
My Holistic View on ChatGPT

Written by
Marina Mura
Published on
Feb 27

I admit I have some knowledge on AI, but not as much as I probably should, and in no means am I trying to persuade your moral point of view on it. However, as a copy and content writer I have an obligation to inform readers who take the time to visit my website, what my personal thoughts are on this ‘hot’ topic. For what it is worth, this is what I know, in very simple terms.

ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022 as an artificial intelligence chatbox. It is the most advance bot to date, as it is based on large language models and is super fast. According to experts, it can produce an essay in as little as a few minutes, however, it does not appear to produce original content and obviously lacks the emotional intelligence of a human, and this is going to be evident. I believe give it a few years, whoever is using it for content writing or copy will begin to sound the same as thousands of other articles/content writers out there.

At this point in time I am not using ChatGPT. Why? Because I prefer to gather information based on my research, expertise and knowledge, rather than AI do this for me. Essentially, this is so I can continue to grow and produce fresh original content from my own creative mind.

It is important for me to point out that I am not implying that my ‘content’ is derived solely from within, not at all. I spend a great amount of time researching individuals and mentors who have more knowledge and experience than I do in the textile and design manufacturing industry. My online search skills enable me to access information so I can work confidently and with direction, ensuring my articles remain informative, entertaining, and more importantly accurate. I oversee and verbalise my research before I set it down in writing.

It is quite extraordinary how ChatGPT is taking the world by storm in just a few months.  initially I heard about it sometime in October last year and I have kept an open mind about it. But was I prepared for the impact? No, not really. I naively didn’t expect it to be on the lips of so many interested people in my industry.

I find I am constantly asking how and who will it affect, will it replace the role of a journalist or content writer for an example? Will I still feel the same about it in five years time from now? Is my view on this far too simplistic, possibly? I feel I have a good sense of where this is going, as I have lived through significant technology changes and innovations in the last 20 years, and ChatGPT is a supersonic one (think internet and smartphone interface).

Whilst my articles are based on my knowledge of the interior and design industry, life experience and creativity for textile and design, I keep reminding myself that I do not have all the answers, nor the insight of where ChatGPT is really going to take us.

Does AI have a place moving forward for me? Absolutely. Technology in the last 20 years has transformed all our lives, some would say for the better, guess it depends how much you let it in and how you choose to use it. ChatGPT is a remarkable tool to enhance and give definitions on content, making it an incredibly useful platform. However, I do not believe it is a tool that should replace learning or the art of critical thinking, especially for our adolescent. I have read it is still a ‘work in progress’ and obviously will continue to be developed and fine-tuned, as it should be.

I will keep an open mind about ChatGPT, but if you choose to read an article/content anywhere moving forward, and you are interested to know if it is AI written, rather than by a human, remember material taken from the ChatGPT platform is supposed to be disclosed/tagged. I also understand that ChatGPT is planning to watermark content taken from its platform.

For the most part, I believe we should continue to embrace AI to enrich our lives in a responsible and ethical manner. ChatGPT is no exception.

Written By Marina Mura





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