MoodBlogs together with Evoke Interior Decorating

Staying Home In January

Written by
Marina Mura
Published on
Jan 12


Welcome to my website and thank you for taking the time to visit.

My warmest wishes for 2023 - I hope it is filled with good health, happiness and all that you desire.

Desire equates to a fulfilled life and there is no better time than the holidays to unwind and spend time doing what you enjoy the most.

I chose the topic ‘staying home in January’ essentially because my husband and I typically take a little vacation away after Christmas. But not this year.

I will always love this time of the year, where everyone is coming off Christmas and the weather is warm and sunny (mostly) and most of the population are winding down and recharging.

When our two children were growing up, naturally the perfect time to get away to rejuvenate was in the January school holidays, like most families. For me it was also about creating memories for our children of ‘fun in the sun’, licking an Italian gelato that was melting faster than they could eat it, sun kissed skin and taking walks after dinner. I liked the commotion and the activity of our chosen destination in Mooloolaba, a coastal suburb on the Sunshine Coast.

I didn’t particularly love the crowds, I was not alone in feeling like this, but it was all part of the package. I was immediately drawn to this friendly, safe, and energising beach side town. We loved discovering small details, and yet each year we would discuss possibly trying a different summer spot, but we stuck to it because it was perfect for our little family.

I admit, the long drive from Sydney was a challenge, and the kids (at times) loathed each other in the back seat of the car, arguing over space and window seats. So, the only thing we changed in the end was how to get there faster!

My children are now adults and have their own life, but the temptation is still there to ‘get away from it all’ after Christmas and the festivities of NYE, whether it be together with our family, or on our own.

But this year we decided to stay home in January and take some well-deserved time out with extended family and friends. We would partake in casual entertaining, take walks just as we would on vacation, eat ice-cream and embrace the unpredictability of it all within our own familiar surroundings. For me, as soon as New Year’s Eve is over it is the flag for me to do some serious relaxing.

At a time when remote working is the norm, I wanted to ensure my husband didn’t feel robbed by staying home in January and surprisingly he didn’t! In fact he thoroughly enjoyed the day trips, be able to visit the beach for fish and chips and still be able to come home to his own bed!

Granted, I still had a need for sun-baking (responsibly) to rake up some vitamin D. Our pool felt just as inviting as a resort one, and I have to say, I appreciated no race to the the sun lounge! It was about maximising my time and accepting impromptu invitations. We did the bare minimum cleaning and cooking, and still made the bed just like we would on vacation.

We visited relatives we had not seen in a while and spent quality time with our grandson without rushing or having to be anywhere.  We overate and indulged more than we knew we should, but after all it was January, and everything is OK in January, or until normality returns.

I welcomed the occasional rainy day - it felt good not to be bothered by it, as much as it would if we were away.  The rain came and went and it all felt so wonderfully relaxing, like walking on sunshine.

In January you can forget what day of the week it is, and it makes me smile how everyone's biggest decision is what to have for dinner (exactly like when you are on vacation).

I wondered what it would be like to stay home inJanuary when most of the community have left and the roads are a little quieter. While the air smelled the same and the sun still beamed. I have to say I was slightly more relaxed not having to worry about flight schedules, car hire and packing!

This year staying home in January reinforced to me that you are still on vacation no matter what, as long as you you are not working (or thinking about it). You can re-charge on your own sun lounge, watch Netflix on your large screen TV and still go to bed late! Total bliss right?

I look forward to sharing 2023 with you and I am available to assist you with my passion for creativity and bringing out the full potential for your home or business.

If you are looking to infuse your space with new colour or styling, or you just need a little help to change things up a little, look around at some of my styling tips and articles. I hope they bring you some inspiration as they are intended to!

I look forward to answering any design or styling questions you may have; feel free to email me at

Warm Regards


Article written by Marina Mura

Image credit:

Mood board curated by Evoke Interior Decorating

Designer Boys Art


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